Tuesday 20 March 2012

Rules For A Happy Marriage

  1. Never both be angry at the same time.
  2. Never yell at each other unless the house is on fire.
  3. If one of you has to win an argument, let it be your mate.
  4. If you have to criticize, do it lovingly
  5. Never bring up mistakes of the past.
  6. Neglect the whole world, rather than each other.
  7. Never go to sleep with an argument unsettled.
  8. At least once everyday, try yo say one kind or complimentary thing to your partner.
  9. When you've done something wrong, be ready to admit and ask for forgiveness.
  10. It takes two to make a quarrel, and the one who's wrong is the one who does the most talking.
Culled from "Godly Woman Daily"

In addition, you guys should PRAY together, LOVE one another UNCONDITIONALLY, ENJOY the intimate bond & relationship, RESPECT each other completely, have FAITH in one another, BE a TEAM, COMMUNICATE a lot, PLAY GAMES together, GO on a date once a month or every two months, DO THINGS for each other without expectation (out of love), SPEND TIME TOGETHER, VALUE the sacredness of your marriage ..... Most importantly, Beauty fades, Bodies change, but if you are BEST FRIENDS YOU'LL LOVE EACH OTHER THROUGH ANYTHING.

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